Formal Hints


International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI)


Applicants who wish to become member of the International Society for Skin Imaging should be involved in skin imaging techniques since several years and conform to the constitution of the Society. If you are interested in becoming a ISSI member, please send and written application form to the main office of the Society.


The membership fee is paid per annum and includes an abonnement of the journal SRT.
According to the
constitution of the society, there are 2 different member status possible:




Active Member of the International Society for Skin Imaging


Supporting Member of the International Society for Skin Imaging




request for membership application form
e-mail to the ISSI main office




Journal "Skin Research and Technology" (SRT)


This journal is the organ of ISSI, ISBS (International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin) and ISDIS (International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin).




Annual Membership dues


We kindly ask all ISSI members to transfer their membership fee to the below mentioned bank account. Please ask your bank to do the money transfer in such a way, that the transfer costs are not deduced from the account of ISSI.

It is important that you send Euro and not another currency. We would appreciate you organise an automatic bank transfer to ensure that the annual membership fees will be on the ISSI account always on the 15th of January. Please note that according to §5,10 of the ISSI constitution a member must be excluded if he/she is in dept for more than 3 years with his/her subscription fee.




ISSI Bank account


Sparkasse Bochum, Josefinenstrasse 42, D-44807 Bochum, Germany
Bank code 430 500 01; Account number 130 320 518  


SWISS number


IBAN number
DE 514 305 000 101 303 205 18

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