
In 2005 it was decided on the General Meeting in Philadelphia that the International Society of Skin Imaging and the International Society for Bioengineering fuse together. The new society is named:

International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the Skin

Further information is available under:




International Congress of the


International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the Skin






Buenos Aires


for enquiries please contact:
Silvia Perez Damonte (Argentina)

send e-mail to Congress organisation office




Past congresses:

  • European Congress of the
    International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the Skin - “From Surface to Deepness”
  • In Memory of Professor P.G. Agache
  • Besancon, France
  • Sept 09th - Sept 12th, 2009
  • Organising Committee: Philippe Humbert (F), Thomas Lihoreau (F)
  • Scientific Advisory Board: B. Querleux (F) and the Board of the International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the Skin
  • Final Programme
  • Abstract Book


  • US Technical Meeting of the
    International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the Skin
  • Dallas, USA
  • April 2008
  • Organising Committee: Gary Grove (USA), Joachim Fluhr (Germany), Randy Wickett (USA), Ernie H. Braue Jr. (USA), Martha Tate (USA)
  • Scientific Advisory Board: Board of the International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the Skin
  • Final Programme


  • 1st JOINT World Congress of
    International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the Skin (ISBS) and the
  • International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin (ILDIS)
  • Seoul, South Korea
  • May 7th - May 10th, 2008
  • Congress President: Professor Chil Hwan Oh
  • Local Organising Secretariat: People-X Inc.
  • Scientific Advisory Board: Board of the International Society for Biophysics and Imaging of the Skin
  • Scientific Program
  • Book of Abstracts


    9th Congress of the International Society for Skin Imaging
    17th International Congress for Bioengineering an the Skin
  • Philadelphia, USA
  • Sept 29th - Oct 1st, 2005
  • Organising Committee: Gary Grove (USA), Joachim Fluhr (Germany), Randy Wickett (USA) (Chairman of the ISBS), C.-H. Oh (Korea), Stephan El Gammal (Germany) (Chairman of the ISSI), Ernie H. Braue Jr. (USA), Allan C. Halpern (USA)
  • Scientific Advisory Board: Board of the International Society for Skin Imaging and the Board of the International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin
  • Final Programme


    8th Congress of the International Society for Skin Imaging
    14th International Congress for Bioengineering an the Skin

  • Hamburg, Germany
  • May 21st - 23rd, 2003
  • Organising Committee: P. Elsner (D), S. El Gammal (D), H.I. Maibach (USA), R. Wickett (USA), Wigger-Alberti (D), K.-P. Wilhelm (D)
  • Scientific Committee: P. Elsner (D), B. Gabard (NL), S. El Gammal (D), P. Humbert (F), J.-L. Leveque (F), J. Serup (S)
  • Scientific Advisory Board: J. Bamber (UK), M. Burroni (I), A. di Nardo (I), S. El Gammal (D), P. Elsner (D), M. Fleming (USA), K. Hoffmann (D), A.M. Kligman (USA), G. Nilsson (S), H. Pehamberger (A), D. Perednia (USA), B. Querleux (F), F. Ring (UK), S. Seidenari (I), J. Serup (DK), W. Stolz (D), M. Stücker (D), H. Takiwaki (J), L. Vaillant (F), A. Zemtsov (USA)
  • Final Programme


    Seventh Congress of the International Society for Skin Imaging

  • Washington DC, United States of America
  • March 8th, 2001
  • Congress Chairmen: M. Fleming (USA), S. El Gammal (D), A. Zemtsov (USA)
  • International Scientific Board: J. Bamber (UK), M. Burroni (I), A. di Nardo (I), S. El Gammal (D), P. Elsner (D), M. Fleming (USA), K. Hoffmann (D), A.M. Kligman (USA), G. Nilsson (S), H. Pehamberger (A), D. Perednia (USA), B. Querleux (F), F. Ring (UK), S. Seidenari (I), J. Serup (DK), W. Stolz (D), M. Stücker (D), H. Takiwaki (J), L. Vaillant (F), A. Zemtsov (USA)
  • Final Programme


    Sixth Congress of the International Society for Skin Imaging

    London, United Kingdom
    July 4 - 6, 1999
    Congress Presidents: J.G. McVie (UK), R.J. Hay (UK)
    Congress Chairmen: J. Bamber (UK), S. El Gammal (D), P. Mortimer (UK), F. Ring (UK)
    Local Organising Committee (UK): K. Humphries (Secretariat), D. Cosgrove, P. French, R. Imhof, S. Young
    Local Advisory Board (UK): C. Griffiths, C. Harland, R. Marks, R. Ott, J. Rees
    International Scientific Board: J. Bamber (UK), M. Burroni (I), A. di Nardo (I), S. El Gammal (D), P. Elsner (D), M. Fleming (USA), K. Hoffmann (D), A.M. Kligman (USA), G. Nilsson (S), H. Pehamberger (A), D. Perednia (USA), B. Querleux (F), F. Ring (UK), S. Seidenari (I), J. Serup (DK), W. Stolz (D), M. Stücker (D), H. Takiwaki (J), L. Vaillant (F), A. Zemtsov (USA)
    Patronated by ISBS (International Societey for Bioengineering and the Skin) and ISDIS (International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin)


    Fifth Congress of the International Society for Skin Imaging

    Vienna, Austria
    September 25 - 27, 1997
    Congress president: K. Wolff (A)
    Chairmen: H. Pehamberger (A), S. El Gammal (D)
    Congress Secretaries: M. Binder (A), B. Partsch (A)
    Scientific board: J. Bamber (UK), M. Burroni (I), A. di Nardo (I), S. El Gammal (D), K. Hoffmann (D), A.M. Kligman (USA), G. Nilsson (S), H. Pehamberger (A), D. Perednia (USA), B. Querleux (F), F. Ring (UK), S. Seidenari (I), J. Serup (DK), W. Stolz (D), M. Stücker (D), H. Takiwaki (J), L. Vaillant (F), A. Zemtsov (USA)
    Patronated by ISBS (International Societey for Bioengineering and the Skin) and ISDIS (International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin)


    International Imaging Congress - Fourth Congress of the International Society for Skin Imaging

    New Orleans, USA
    Feburary 2-3, 1995
    Local Organisation: A. Zemsov (USA) together with ISDIS (International Society for Digital Imaging of the Skin)


    Third Conference of the International Society for Ultrasound and the Skin - Imaging Techniques and the Skin

    Elsinore, Denmark
    September 22 - 25, 1993
    Organisation: J. Serup (DK), J. Sondergaard (DK)
    Secretariat: R. Gniadecki (DK), J. Serup (DK), M. Gniadecka (DK)
    USA-Convener: J.P. Jones (USA)
    Scientific board: S. El Gammal (D), K. Hoffmann (D), S. Seidenari (I), J. Serup (DK), J. Sondergaard
    Co-Sponsored by ISBS (International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin)


    Second International Congress on Ultrasound and the Skin

    Modena, Italy
    September 18 - 21, 1991
    Honorary president: F. Serri (I)
    Organising Committee: S. Seidenari (I), K. Hoffmann (D), El Gammal S (D), P. Mohr (D), H. Schatz (USA)
    Scientific Committee: P. Altmeyer (D), K. Hoffmann (D), A.M. Kligman (USA), J.L. Lévêque (F), Y. Miki (J), P.A. Payne (UK), S. Seidenari (I), J. Serup (DK)


    International Congress on Ultrasound in Dermatology

    Bochum, Germany
    March 15-17, 1990
    Chairman: P. Altmeyer (D)
    Congress Secretaries: S. El Gammal (D), K. Hoffmann (D)


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